The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is a government agency in India established under the Ministry of Power. BEE Registration monitor energy saving and reduce the energy intensity of the Indian economy as stated under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The product listed under BEE is mandated to show labels and ratings of energy-saving performance that helps customers to make the right purchase.
Manufacturers/Traders/Importers of electronic products need to obtain a BEE Certificate that begins with sample testing to determine the rate of energy consumption and apply for certification.
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency issues the BEE Registration that indicates the compliance level as per guidelines issued by the bureau to regulate, review the time intervals, and improve energy efficiency. The company has to register under BEE and comply with section 13 clause 2(n) of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001.
Types of BEE Certification:
- Accredited Energy Auditors Energy
- Auditors/Managers
- Refresher Course
Objectives of the BEE Registration
The following are the objectives of BEE Registration under the Conservation Act of 2001:
- Provide policy framework and direction to national energy conservation activities.
- Establish systems and procedures to measure, monitor, and verify energy efficiency improvements in individual and national sectors.
- To leverage multi-lateral, bi-lateral, and private sector support to implement programs and projects on efficient energy use and conservation.
- Coordinate policies and programs on the efficient use of energy and its conservation with the involvement of stakeholders.
- Coordinate policies and programs on the efficient use of energy and its conservation with the involvement of stakeholders.
- To demonstrate the energy efficiency delivery mechanism as envisaged in the Energy Conservation Act through a private-public partnership.
Eligibility of BEE Certificate Registration
Only Manufacturer, Importer and Trader may file the BEE application for a license under star labelling program of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). Each Categories scope are described in below Points-
- Manufacturer- Manufacturers who is producing finished products must apply for BEE certificate if the product falls under mandatory certificate. Single login could be used for one particular category for one brand.
- Importer- Under the BEE labelling scheme, must ensure any Indian company wanting to import any goods that comes under BEE mandatory product list, that importer must have to take BEE certificate against the import products. In this case as well, a single importer is only permitted to register one brand and one product category under a single login.
- Trader- Any domestic trader who wish to trade the product in market and that product comes under BEE mandatory product list, make sure that product goes through BEE certification. In this case as well, a single importer is only permitted to register one brand and one product category under a single login.
Government Fees for BEE Registration:

BEE Registration Process:
1. Fill up prescribed BEE form along with all the required docs for company portal registration part.
2. After BEE portal registration, the product needs to be tested with the lab under star labelling standards to meet the standards.
3. Fill up the model registration form along with the testing reports and its various docs to file the application.
4. The scrutiny process starts once the file is submitted to the department.
5. After the successful verification of docs has been done then BEE officials issued the BEE approval letter against the models which we applied for.
Mandatory and Voluntary Appliances Under BEE Certification
Standards and Labeling under the Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Certain obligations have been set up as standards under BEE to ensure the efficient use of energy. This is applied to the consumption levels of power by manufactured products. Energy Consumption standards are mandated for electrical appliances such as air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, coolants, etc. Labeling product under BEE registration includes identifying the performance of a particular electronic product and showing the energy consumption.
Benefits of BEE Certification
Obtaining a BEE certificate will provide you with the following advantages:
- Standards: When it comes to energy efficiency, there are specific standards that must be followed. This type of certification would ensure that such standards are maintained as per the law's requirements.
- Compliance: The producer or industry would be certain to comply with the law if they obtained this type of accreditation. Furthermore, this accreditation would guarantee that the manufacturer conforms to the Energy Act of 2001.
- Reputation: This certification would secure the manufacturer's or industry's reputation for adhering to the applicable requirements.
- Efficiency: This certification ensures that a certain level of efficiency is maintained by manufacturers or industries. This would ensure that the Energy Act of 2001's principles for energy efficiency is followed.
What is the role played by the BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency)?
Some of the main roles played by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency are:
- Coordination: One of the main aims of the bureau of energy efficiency is to coordinate all activities related to maintaining energy efficiency under the Energy Act.
- Create Awareness: The bureau is also responsible for not only creating awareness but also spreading awareness amongst the industries related to energy conservation.
- Provide Training: When it comes to energy and conservation procedures then the bureau helps in maintaining specific standards related to energy and conservation. It also provides training to industries and manufacturing entities on environmental standards.
- Research and Development: It promotes research and development for industries that are engaged in the area of energy and different forms of conservation processes. It promotes research and development activities not only in India but liaises with international agencies to promote various research and development opportunities throughout the world.
- Formulate Pilot Policies: Ongoing projects and pilot policies are also developed and formulated by the bureau of energy efficiency.
Documents Required for BEE Registration:
- Shareholding details.
- If annual turnover is less than Rs.5 million then proof of the same.
- Verification fees payment proof
- Shareholder’s Identity proof
- Registration documents
- Cover letter for the fresh applications
- Trademark Certificate
- Certificate of Quality Management System (Wherein, multiple units then ISO of all the units shall be enclosed)
- Certificate of Small-Scale Industries (SSI)
- Authoritative signatory letter on company letterhead
- BIS license with a validity date and endorsement letter stating all applied models
BEE Model Registration
Even the manufacturers can register a model with BEE Certificate by applying from the web portal. It involves a few technical steps which ASC will guide you throughout the process
The documents mentioned below shall be submitted with signed and stamped originals:
- Cover letter
- Payment receipt for the model registration fee
- Copy of the application form with a signed and attested by the company
- NABL-accredited lab test report
- Sample label with the application form of every model
Renewal of the BEE Model and Agreement
The validity period as set by BEE Certificate is for 3 years. Six months before the expiry the BEE sends a renewal agreement to the registered email. The manufacturer is responsible to respond within three months for getting the renewal. The renewal can also be done with an application fee of Rs.500 through an online process.
How Does ASC Help?
- ASC has a team of experts who can guide you throughout the process of getting the BEE Registration.
- We at ASC can assure you to provide the BEE Certification in a very smooth and speedy manner.
- We collect all the important documents and ensure their proper submission for BEE registration.
- ASC helps in sample testing to determine the rate of energy consumption
- We ensure to inform you about the renewal process and ensure the renewal application is submitted on time.
Faq's on BEE Registration - Objective, Benefits, and Documents Required
Certain products are required to have BEE certification to raise awareness regarding energy efficiency and conservation of the same. BEE’s rating certificate indicates the performance and efficiency of the product. Further, it indicates the level of compliance adhered to by the organisation for the standards and the guidelines that are issued by the bureau.
There are various schemes for BEE registration. These include:
- National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
- Standards and Labelling Scheme
- Energy Conservation Building Code etc.
During the BEE registration process, you need to submit certain testing samples. These samples should be collected back within 15 days from the date on which the test report is being issued. If the samples are not collected back by the applicant within the specified time period, then the relevant authority reserves the right to destroy the sample.
For affixing the BEE label on your product, you need to follow the below steps:
- Submit the specimen of the BEE label
- Get the specimen label approved by the BEE
- Ensure that the BEE label is prominently displayed on the relevant product
The star rating in BEE ranges between 1 to 5. The more energy efficient the product is, the higher the BEE star labelling. The rating is assigned by the BEE under the Ministry of Power during the process of BEE registration in India.